Winter Break

Haven't done this one in awhile. Vermont snowboard trip. Three fun filled days at Stowe. Don't think I have ever been there before but I don't think I will ever go anywhere else (in the Northeast at least). Well, until I revisit the other mountains again.

I hear they renovated a few years ago and this looks NICE at Spruce Peak. Free lockers, decent food at a price, and good runs. Maybe one day I will shell out the money to actually stay at the mountain especially since staying a few miles down the road might become a 40 mile trip when they close the main road and you don't know.

Plus side is I now know where the Dunkin' Doughnuts. Oh and the Movie Theater too.

Seems they close the road for the season. I didn't understand why because from my prospective in Brooklyn there has been no season to speak of. Saturday night portions of Vermont got 2 feet the night before I got there. While there, almost another foot dropped too. Sounds like a lot but I gave serious thought to removing a layer while on the mountain. The weather (after the storms) was super nice (for a trip that relied on winter temperatures and snow). I wasn't about to run around in my shorts or anything but some of my pale skinned vacationers were breaking out the Bermuda shorts.

All kidding aside the view from the top is great. And there is nothing like gliding on fresh powder through the clouds. I hope to get another run in before the seasons out but I pray for great conditions again. Otherwise the West is calling my name next year.
